2020年八月至十月? |? 建立教会 ?接连世界? |? 季刊


The trauma of COVID-19 means that our world will never be the same. As of this writing, six million people globally have been infected by the virus (and this number will unfortunately be…

Famine is a recurring theme in the Bible. Abram and his family went to Egypt because there was a severe famine in Bethel (Gen 12:10); Isaac also went to the Philistines because of a famine…

Thomas Obadiah Chisolm was a school teacher and a prolific poet born in the 1860s. He wrote the text of the hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. In his later years when he? suffered poor health and…








行政部长卢慧洁姐妹2020年5月31日卸下在新神十年的服侍。在她的领导下,学院达致了各项目标,包括带领新加坡神学院过渡到Singapore Bible College Limited、建立及稳固财务和人力资源管理。本院感谢卢姐妹的忠心服侍。



Dr. Linda M Bubod从2020年7月受委为辅导学系教务主任。


庄秉俊博士的父亲Mr. Chong Toh Goo 2020年3月8日安息主怀。


庄秉俊博士 chapter “Globalization, Hybrid Worlds, and Emerging Missional Frontiers” presented at the Global Diaspora Network Consultation in Manila 2018 was published in May by William Carey in A Hybrid World: Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei.

Rev. Dr. Rick Griffith taught Homiletics to pastors at the Tangkhul Naga Baptist Convention headquarters in Ukhrul, Manipur, India.

何智耘博士 taught a course on the Psalms organised by Stretch Out International, and published two review articles: Roland Meynet, Le Psautier: Cinquième Livre (Ps 107–150); Douglas Magnum and Douglas Estes, eds., Literary Approaches to the Bible; both are in the Review of Biblical Literature: http://www.bookreviews.org.

卢家正牧师/博士 wrote an article for and served on the steering committee and as a moderator for the Singapore Centre for Missions symposium, “Crafting Asian Missiologies”. He also participated in the Asia Theological Association webinar, “Theological Education During and After COVID-19”.

陈百恩博士 published his dissertation, Living in the Flesh by the Spirit: The Pauline View of Flesh and Spirit in Galatians, in May with Wipf & Stock: https://wipfandstock.com/living-in-the-flesh-by-the-spirit.html.


陈恩慧老师在宏茂桥福音堂带领线上讲座:“家庭基督教教育对孩子灵命成长的关系 ”;恩泽堂武吉巴督聚会姐妹团契主讲“我爱我家”和恩泽堂乌节路聚会雅歌区会成立三周年中分享。

李志秋老师:Dr. Chee-Chiew Lee published the following article: “The Rhetoric of Empathy in Hebrews.” Novum Testamentum 62.2 (2020): 201–18.


朱美娟老师参与由美国数间神学院联办的Distance Education Roundtable网络会议;并在数间教会主讲“宽恕的力量”与“凝视死亡”等课题。

叶慕灵博士 gave several talks and training on worship at GKT Hosana, Surabaya, Indonesia. She was the Church Music Sunday speaker at Grace Jubilee Centre. She also served as a consultant for some churches and seminaries regarding online services and music ministries.

Dr. Joel Navarro conducted a choral workshop for a visiting community choir from Myanmar. He taught online for Bandung Theological Seminary for the Master of Ministry course, “Instrumental Methods”. He also completed his book on conducting methods, INSPIRARE: Breathing Life into Our Music; A Manual for Church Choir Conductors in Asia. Publication details will be forthcoming.

Mr. Eudenice V. Palaruan adjudicated in the inaugural Singapore International Choral Composition Competition presented by the Raffles Singers. For the SBC Graduation Ceremony, he sang while his wife, Ann, danced “Take My Life and Let It Be”.

Dr. Val Gonzales was a facilitator and panellist on a seminar for porn addiction at the National University of Singapore sponsored by CRU. He also facilitated a seminar on mental wellness at Changi Baptist Church, and provided whole-day training to group facilitators for Covenant Evangelical Free Church.

Income 收入
01/03/2020–30/06/2020 S$1,990,858.34
Expenditure 支出
01/03/2020–30/06/2020 S$1,674,027.46
Surplus 盈余 S$ 316,830.88
Accumulated Surplus 累计盈余
S$ 676,544.03
