


Trusting the Bible

A new podcast from Tyndale House and Bible Society featuring conversations with experts in biblical studies.


Featuring: Dr. Peter J Williams, Dr. Dirk Jongkind & Dr. Chee-Chiew Lee


In this first series, we’re exploring the reliability, relevance, and reality of the four Gospels.


  • Exploring the reliability, relevance, and reality of the four Gospels.
  • A series of 7 podcasts from Tyndale House (Cambridge) and Bible Society (UK) featuring conversations with experts in biblical studies.
Waltzing with Wesley: Wesleyan Theology as a Renewing Framework for Chinese Christian Spirituality and Global Identity

Rev Dr Samuel Law’s recent essay: The Asbury Journal, Spring 2017


This paper argues that Wesleyan theology, understanding that God’s prevenient grace is working toward the restoration of all Creation, serves as a means of grace for global Christians to incarnate Christianity with their indigenous cultural identity. Using the Chinese context, this paper explores how a Wesleyan perspective, being itself a pragmatic and integrative theology, provides a pathway for the Chinese church, suffering from a hobbled spirituality as consequence of an over-identification with Confucian philosophy, to achieve a synergistic spirituality that balances both biblical and Chinese cultural components.?


Assoc Prof David Lang contributed a very interesting article to Ethos, in which he wrote:


The “crisis of biblical literacy” among Christians is now well known. It has been reported in various journals for over 20 years now. The 17 October 2014 issue of the Christianity Today reports:

Study after study in the last quarter-century has revealed that American Christians increasingly don’t read their Bibles, don’t engage their Bibles, and don’t know their Bibles. It’s obvious: We are living in a post-biblically literate culture.

The situation in Singapore is not much better…The problem of biblical literacy is much worse and more complicated than is reported or realized. Reports on biblical literacy usually cite the majority of lay Christians not reading or knowing very little about the content of the Bible. This problem is worse than is realized if we include the many who do read it regularly and who show they know the Bible by their frequent citation of biblical text but for the most part misread or misinterpret the Bible… It may seem odd that those who regularly read the Bible and write messages based on the Bible to preach it or teach it can be considered as biblically illiterate or have a low level of biblical literacy. Is not “literacy” defined as “the ability to read and write”??
