


9.00am — 3.20pm









Covid-19大流行极大地改变了教会的运作方式和社区生活。 尽管从第2阶段起我们采取了某些应对措施,却仍然不能恢复如初。

我们不只生活起居需要适应新常态,教会所有接触信徒与非信徒的事工也需要如此。在万事转线上的时代, 我们能如何帮助信徒继续在主的话扎根,又能拥有多面且因应时代的见解;或重拾盼望,或持有一个活泼皆有影响力的信仰呢?

或许你在想:“教会何去何从。” 或“我该如何为上帝的伟大事工做出贡献?” 。

其中一个方法,就是在新神接受定位基督、基于圣经、服侍教会、奋力宣教、切合时代的整全神学训练。快来加入我们的开放日,以了解更多有关神学院培训的信息! 愿上帝的国降临并祂的旨意成就在你的生命中!




2.30 – 3.20pm


教会历史旨在介绍基督教会自第一世纪至今两千多年的历史发展。教会历史(二)范围自主后16世纪至20世纪,内容先介绍改革运动前后大公教会的神学发展及基督新教的力图革新,后探讨近现代(modern)至当代(contemporary)的欧美历史脉络中, 基督新教教会的宗派形成、神学发展、社会改革、海外宣教,以至“西方基督宗教”(Western Christianity)与“世界基督宗教”(World Christianity)彼落此起的趋势。藉由观看教会历史由古至今、自西徂东(甚至北风南渐),华人新教基督徒应能更加掌握自身身分,进而寻索教会前路。

9.10 – 10.00am

Introduction to Christian Spirituality

This course seeks to explore one’s relationship with God through Christian spirituality, referring “to a relationship with God as lived in practice, as dynamics are formulated as explored through formal study” (Evan Howard). Students will examine relationship with God in the context of the challenges of today’s world. Students will develop a healthy approach to relating to God for Christian life and ministry.

9.10 – 10.00am

Diaspora Missiology

This course seeks to acquaint students with the phenomenon of global people movements. It examines the pull and push factors behind these movements as well as biblical-theological responses to the spiritual, social, economic, and political conditions which have arisen. It introduces students to the emerging field of diaspora missiology and invites students to explore practical Christian responses to these current ground level realities.

2.30 – 3.20pm

New Testament Studies I

This course is a study of the Gospels and how each evangelist shaped his writing to meet the needs of his readers. Emphasis will be given to the text and theological message of Matthew and Luke-Acts and their authors’ literary and rhetorical techniques and use of the Old Testament. The English text is used in class, as knowledge of Greek is not required. Prerequisite: New Testament Foundations.

2.30 – 3.20pm

Pastoral Theology & Ministry

This course is a study of biblical teaching on the church and its ministry, with the practical implications that arise from it. Special emphasis will be given on the “know-how’s,” such as conducting baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

12.10 – 1.00pm

Vocal Studio

Vocal Studio is a Masterclass of singing where the emphasis is on the presentation of the song: how to tell a story with your gestures and emotions.

2.30 – 3.20pm

Church Music Administration and Leadership

Music Administration (2CR) is designed to equip administrative skills and to develop basic leadership dexterity in the setting of the local church music ministry. While musical aptitude and pastoral equipping are taught in other courses, this class, is part of that foundation – forming process that holistically prepares the Music Minister for organisational proficiency and administrative rigour. Leadership (1 CR) will explore the deeper complexities of leadership and mentorship in order to be a leader of other leaders

2.30 – 3.20pm

Human Development

This course seeks to trace the normative developmental changes across the life span. It also examines the systemic and individual models of development within a larger socio-cultural and spiritual framework. Special focus will be given on developmental concepts like attachment, emotional, moral and faith development, aging and other issues needed for a deeper understanding of how people grow. An important feature of this course is for each student to evaluate his/her own developmental growth through reflection papers and process sessions with peers.

2.30 – 3.20pm



2.30 – 3.20pm




咨询: events@sbc.edu.sg