Master of Arts
in Counselling

The Master of Arts in Counselling (MAC) programme is recognized by the SAC and accredited by IRCEP.

Full-time studies for Master of Arts in Counselling takes two years. Part-time studies can stretch from 2.5 years to five years. It is advisable for part-time students to allot at least two days a week for readings and requirements. Part time studies would take 12 credits or less. Full time studies requires at least 15 credits and follows the required curriculum. The MAC equips one to be spiritually and clinically trained for professional counselling practice in churches, hospitals, schools and other settings.

The Master of Arts in Counselling (MAC) programme has been recognized by the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) since February 8, 2010. Additionally, as of July 14, 2024, the programme has been accredited and added to the Registry of Approved Programs by the International Registry of Counselor Education Programs (IRCEP), an international affiliate of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

Prerequisites for Programme Admission?

Academic Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Bible College

English Language Requirements

  • ‘A’ Level: B4 in ‘AO’ level General Paper or
  • TOEFL: 550 (PBT)/ 213 (CBT)/ 80 (IBT)
  • IELTS: 6.0?

General Requirements

  • At least 24 years old
  • Christian for at least 2 years
  • Evidence of involvement in ministry
  • Endorsement by church leadership


  • Completion of 62 credit hours of studies?
  • Completion of? 120 client-contact couselling hours, 60 hours of group supervision, 23 hours of individual supervision and 8 hours of personal therapy sessions
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
第一学期 数学分
OT Survey 3
Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
Counselling Process and Skills 3
发展心理学 3
Professional Ethics and Ethical Issues 2
Academic Research and Writing 1
第二学期 数学分
NT Survey 3
Integration of Psychology and Theology 3
Psychopathology 2
Grief Counselling and Psychotherapy 2
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 2
Introduction to Christian Spirituality 2
Counselling Practicum M1 1
第一学期 数学分
Doctrine I? 3
Social and Multi-Cultural Issues in Counselling 2
Marriage and Family Therapy 3
Child and Adolescent Therapy 2
Trauma and Crisis Counselling 2
On Being a Therapist 2
Counselling Practicum M2 2
第二学期 数学分
Doctrine II 3
Group Therapy: Theory and Practice 3
Psychological Assessment: Tests and Measurements 2
Advanced Marriage and Family Therapy 2
Gender and Sexuality Counselling Perspectives 2
Required Elective Courses*
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
Counselling Practicum M3 2

* Required Elective Course: Key treatment areas and/or modalities are offered as required electives, each worth two credits. Students must complete at least one of these courses to graduate. Please note that the list of elective courses is for reference only, and the available electives may vary each semester.?

All applicants will undergo psychological assessment and a panel interview with the SOC faculty as part of the entry process.


在新神,我们会采取混成式学习(blended learning)的模式,即兼用实体和在线的各种平台,来设计各式各样的同步与非同步学习活动,以此建立我们的群体。因此,学生将会从各类面对面与在线学习活动中,在新神体验到更丰富的学习。