
耶稣不许,却对他说:「你回家到你的亲属那里去,把主为你作了多麽大的事,并他怎样怜悯你,都告诉他们。」- 马可福音 5:19


Every year, we are blessed to have our Alumni, from near and far, join us for Homecoming Day. In 2024, for the very 1st time ever, we combined it with Founders’ Day when Alumni returned to gather with their schools and collectively count their blessings and remember the Founders who started the college and made their studying of the Word possible. It was truly meaningful and memorable. Other events are retreats, conferences, seminars and special college events like the Founders’ Day, Anniversaries and the like. The retreats are either among all four schools, like the one planned for August 2017, or it can be planned according to the individual schools.
