
Echoes of God:

Theological Literature
& Spiritual Formation

Zoom available to overseas participants

How do you use words?
How do words mould you?

We all encounter words every day, in conversation and counselling, preaching and poetry, fiction and spiritual memoir. The truth is that the words we read, write, and speak all have an incredible ability to shape who we are becoming. To be shaped by God requires knowing what words are God’s.

Through this seminar we will explore what it means to know God’s words, how to hear the echoes of God’s speech in the words we read, and how to write and speak in a way that God’s voice may be heard.


Sharyn Ng

Sharyn Ng (SBC, MA in Biblical Studies ’21) believes that the seemingly boring, insignificant, and broken stories of her life are part of God’s bigger and grander story. She serves as the administrator of Pace Publishing and as an editor on Pace Journal. Sharyn works as a full-time editor with a local publisher producing non-fiction, children’s and educational literature.

Ryan M. Chin

Ryan M. Chin (SBC, MDiv ’21) is a ThM student at Regent College, Vancouver, BC. The founder of Pace Publishing, Ryan also serves as the editor-in-chief of Pace Journal, an annually released interdisciplinary publication, and has a particular love for the work of words. His desire is to witness and bear witness to life theologically.
