24 February 2023
9:00 am -12:00 pm
The seminar will be offered onsite and online.
Developing a framework to resolve the theological tensions by understanding the landscape and the nature of the challenges faced by Sexual Minorities. Four key areas will be explored. Sin, Diversity, Acceptance and Dysfunction. Through exploring these four areas, we look into possible intervention areas that may open the door for ministry in the Church for Sexual Minorities.
Serving as the Executive Director at Indigo & Co@Sg which was founded specifically to look into the area of Human Sexuality. He is married and blessed with two children. Over the years, God has blessed him with the privilege of serving in different countries in Asia as a medical doctor alongside bible training in church, corporate and non-profit settings.
Closing date: 10 February 2023
The Zoom link will be sent to those joining online. Please indicate your choice.
For Enquiries
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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