


钟博士有多年的电子电气工程和资讯工业的经验。 他曾代表马来西亚参加亚太区的资讯科技比赛(APICTA)。 他是大马土生土长的华裔,后来移居澳洲成家立业,之后蒙召在香港念完神学哲学博士。 他主要的研究领域包括拜占庭教父学、科技伦理学和科技神学。在新神服事之前,钟博士曾在香港的两所大学中担任客座讲师。

  • 系统神学
  • 宗教与科学:人工智能探讨
  • 人工智能与身体神学
  • 企业伦理:道德秀和科技独角兽的陨落
  • 教父学、拜占庭神学、克修神学(ascetical theology)
  • 科技伦理(人工智能伦理、人工智能演算法设计)
  • 科技神学(人工智能的道德主体性、超人类主义的神哲学反思)
  • Chong C. M. “Can an AI agent imagine and thus theologising?” Paper presented at Ian Ramsey’s conference on Posthumanism and Transhumanism, Oxford University, 2018.
  • Chong C. M. “Mathematic model for religious experience: an alternative to essentialism and constructivism.” Paper presented at Hong Kong Koinoinia of Theologians, Hong Kong, 2018.
  • Chong C. M. “Social and Ethical Implication of AI through the lens of Maximus the Confessor.” Paper presented at the conference on “Ethical and Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence: East-Asia and Beyond,” Hong Kong Baptist University, 30 March to 1 April 2023.
  • Chong C. M. “Maximus’ notion of Intelligence and virtue and its implication for the design of a Virtuous AI.” Paper presented at Symposium on Virtue and Happiness in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, FuDan University, Shang Hai, China, 15 September to 17 September 2023.
  • Lai P.C., Chong C.M., “Technology and Humanity in Chinese Christian Perspective: With Special References to Anthropocene and Transhumanism,” Brill Journal of Chinese Theology (forthcoming)
  • 香港中文大学文学院名誉副研究员
  • 香港理工大学 – 系学习与教学研究基金共同研究员(co-investigator)
    项目:生成人工智能教学 之 苏格拉底教学法(应用于生物医学科学系)
