Discover New Perspectives, Refine Your Preaching

SBC Conference 2024, Scripture and Preaching, will feature speakers from a variety of disciplines who will provide insights to the Christian Scripture from various perspectives. There will be six talks in English and three in Chinese. We will also feature a panel of specialists and pastors in conversation on the preaching of Scripture (in English) on the evening of 21 August.?

Attendees can expect to engage with topics such as the authority, clarity, purpose, and negotiation of Scripture in everyday life, and leave with fresh perspectives on how to effectively communicate its message. There will also be opportunities for networking, access to publications, and dialogue about the practical aspects of preaching.




Conference Speakers

Panel Conversation on the
Preaching of Scripture

Book Table

21 Aug 13:10 – 14:00

The Book Table is a free and easy time when conference guests can interact with speakers at a more personal level. The book table will feature the publications of invited day and evening speakers as well as those by the SBC faculty (and affiliates).


8月22日 13:10 – 14:00



Aug 20

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael F. Bird

Scripture is authoritative for Protestants, hence the mantra, sola scriptura, “Scripture alone.” However, the Protestant articulation of Scripture’s authority were not divorced for the wider Trinitarian economy of God’s actions in inspiration and illumination. In addition, one must also consider the authority of Scripture in relation to the church and to the act of interpretation. Also, the authority of Scripture is in some senses conditioned or limited. This talk examines the meaning, necessity, and limits of scriptural authority for a doctrine of scripture that is neither dismissive of scripture nor transforms in biblicism.

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael F. Bird

Protestants have traditionally maintained the clarity of Scripture as a way of treating Scripture as either self-interpreting or else as a reason to disregard the claims of authority made by the Catholic magisterium. However, Protestant claims of Scripture’s clarity were actually highly qualified. This talk will examine the nature of Scripture’s clarity in relation to concepts such as “soul competency” and the how clarity relates to the didactic life of the church.

Speaker: Dr. Easten Law

This presentation examines scripture’s role and influence on everyday Christian lives as a process of spiritual, ethical, and collective negotiation. This study draws on qualitative interviews conducted with young adult Chinese Christians living in Shanghai and Hong Kong to explore the ways laypersons use scripture as a basis for everyday decision making in relationship with other social and cultural influences. Using a practical theology perspective, I argue the teaching and preaching of Christian scripture requires a flexible openness that provides Christians pathways for cross-cultural application.

Aug 21

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael F. Bird

Scripture can have many purposes in the life of believers, individually and corporate, such a source for theology, a manual for running a church, or an inspiration for spiritual devotion. This talk focuses on the purposes of scripture as based around Knowledge, Faith, Love, and Hope.

Speaker: Dr. Jean K. Luah

This paper reflects on contemporary readings of the Bible in the scholarly guild in relation to its significance for believing communities, as seen from an Asian perspective. Analysing the hermeneutical assumptions of major modes of interpretation, I propose what might constitute a hermeneutics fitting to the text Christians call Scripture.

Speaker: Dr. Kelvin C.M. Chong

There are many possibilities for AI applications related to Scripture. For instance, handwriting analysis of different manuscripts to identify the numbers of contributors and dates; AI biblical interpretation; and auto-language translation. The question is, is AI simply a tool or it will eventually become an "assistant teacher" or even a "teacher" of Scripture?

Aug 22

讲员: 梁以利亚牧师/博士


讲员: 楼静武博士

本演讲探讨圣经在基督徒日常生活中作为灵命、伦理和集体谈判过程中的作用和影响。本研究采取质性访谈,对象是住在上海和香港的年轻华人基督徒,藉此探讨平信徒如何使用圣经作为日常决策的基础,以及其它社会和文化所带来的影响是什么。 本人从实践神学的观点,认为基督教圣经的教导和传讲需要具灵活开放性,方能提供基督徒跨文化的应用。

讲员: 钟俊明博士

随着人工智能的崛起,圣经经文的应用软件多了许多可能性。 例如,有工程师尝试用人工智能分析圣经手抄本的人手书写以分析出抄写者的人数和前后时间。已有人开始研发自动化圣经翻译和诠释。 问题是:这些工具表面上固然很好,不过我们依然要问,这些人工智能是否只是工具,还是它会逐渐取代圣经的助教、甚至老师的地位呢?


Registration Deadline: 15 Aug 2024

  • English Conference $22 (Onsite) / $11 (Online)

    DAY: 20 & 21 Aug (1.5 days)

  • Evening Panel
    $11 (Online/Onsite)

    21 Aug (In English only)

  • Chinese Conference $11 (Online/Onsite)

    DAY: 22 Aug (0.5 days)

Complimentary for SBC Adjuncts/Affiliates/Faculty/Students/Staff.
Registration is required for SBC Faculty/Staff/Students who wish to attend online,
as well as SBC Adjuncts/Affiliates.




Registration is closed.

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