
Mar 2021

We are in the month of Lent which will culminate in the Passion (passion means suffering) Week. I trust that many of you have paused from your regular routine to reflect a bit more on the cross of Christ and the work of salvation. You may even be fasting these 40 days in order to give up some of your indulges in order to ponder over the gift of salvation and what it cost Jesus to die for you. I have been looking at the teachings of Jesus, particularly in the Gospel of John –?the great “I Am” statements of Jesus Christ. John wrote the Gospel in such a way that he wanted the reader to be convinced that?Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God so that the reader will put his faith in Him. He chose 7 great signs and 7 “I Am” statements to lead the seekers to find the truth that would set them free. Every one of these signs and “I Am” statements brought the listeners/seekers/eye-witnesses to an even greater understanding of?who Jesus truly was?–?these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31).

Even as many put their trust in Jesus as the Christ, others deepened in their animosity and hatred for Jesus, which eventually resulted in his capture and crucifixion, just as he had predicted!

As we take time to reflect on the cross, we will realize the cost of our salvation. This ought to lead us to a posture of gratitude.

Issac Watts’ reflection on the cross led to the poignant hymn –?When I Survey the Wondrous Cross on which the Prince of Glory died, My riches gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride…

Let’s not rush through Good Friday to get to Easter.?Let’s pause, ponder and ruminate over the price of our salvation and be grateful for God’s extravagant love for us when we were so undeserving.?Hallelujah! What a Saviour!