Relationship with Churches

Singapore Bible College seeks to be a Christ-like community of loving and faithful servants who exemplify respect, integrity and excellence in education for the service of the Church and society.

The College fully respects the differing theological viewpoints of the various church denominations, and recognizes the propriety and value of the denominational life resulting from the union of local churches. We consider it our responsibility to train students as to deepen their understanding of the distinctive doctrines, constitutions, and customs of their own denominations. We endeavour to establish in each student a sense of loyalty to his denomination, and to encourage him to continue serving faithfully in his own denomination after graduation.

The College is an interdenominational place of training. Lecturers and students come from and serve in many different sections of the church. Accordingly, the College is careful not to give prominence to any particular system, liturgy or doctrinal emphasis. Students have to learn to be faithful to scriptural truth, be respectful of each other, be united in service, cooperative in work, and live together harmoniously, so as to build up the body of Christ.

The College has full respect for the minor theological differences which gave rise to the various denominations. It is our purpose to instruct students in accord with those historical conservative truths shared by all. Denominational indoctrination will remain the responsibility of the various denominations. Opportunity will be given to the senior students to study the doctrines and policies of the denomination of their choosing.

Any student who deliberately propagates a particular system, liturgy or doctrinal emphasis, thereby stirring up controversy and upsetting the interdenominational spirit of the College will face disciplinary action.