

SEP 20

At the Crossroads:

Crafting a Collective Ethos for Asian Church Music Schools



For Whom?

For current and prospective deans, teachers, and coordinators of Schools of Church Music and Christian schools with sacred music/church music programmes

The pandemic was a timely wake-up call for Asian churches to evaluate their ministry of equipping church musicians with skills and insights for ministry.

God appears to be leading the churches toward new directions, new ways of listening and proclamation, and new ways of learning from the ground up and from where the Spirit speaks the strongest through His people and through their contexts.

This time of dialogue with Asian Church Music Schools will be of collective listening, learning, and leaning into how God wants the Asian churches to respond to His call to return, renew, and re-imagine together our ancient faith and contemporary witness.

Our Speaker

Dr. Joel M. Navarro

Dr. Joel Navarro is an Adjunct Lecturer in Choral Conducting at SBC’s School of Church Music. He served as full-time faculty from 2014 to 2020 and was the former conductor of Canticorum and SBC Chorale. He is based in Manila and teaches courses for SBC and St. Paul University Manila, where is the major professor for the first Doctor of Musical Arts in Conducting in Southeast Asia. He has had extensive academic experience in public, private, and religious educational institutions in the Philippines and the United States. Outside of the academe, he is a conductor, speaker, songwriter, and published author, composer, and arranger.