Pastors Seminar & Fellowship


Technology has changed how humans work and think, from automation to highly-precise medical operations. Machines can now see, read and learn independently and at least appear to have human-like intelligence.

Bill Gates describes Artificial Intelligence as “Revolutionary as mobile phones and the Internet.” AI can now write ebooks, win photography awards, err.. write Sermons too.

Join us to discover AI and tech trends intersecting ministry, enhancing Bible teaching with tech tools and fostering human connections in a digital world.

(Written with ChatGPT AI assistance)


Mr Pang Tin Siong has more than two decades of industrial experience in Information Technology. His leadership involvement includes implementing a wide range of key corporate systems. He manages IT operations across Asia with particular engagement in cross-cultural change management. He has also been responsible for mapping technology to improve business processes that fulfil operational and strategic needs. Mr Pang Tin Siong now serves in SBC Infotech Services as senior director and one of the SBC Executive Committee members.

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