
Aug 2024

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!

August has been a month of events and new beginnings! Many Asian nations celebrated their Independence Day, including Singapore which celebrated 59 years of peace, stability and freedom of religion.

As a Singaporean, I am grateful to God for his goodness to us as a nation all these years. The fact that we can continue to worship the Lord freely in churches and continue theological education through Bible colleges and seminaries is nothing short of God’s grace and mercy.

However the Church in Singapore, having enjoyed God’s favour and blessings has plateaued. It has remained stagnant for the past many years and is thus a concern to many Christian leaders. During the 40-day prayer for Singapore, a key focus was for the Lord to rekindle the hearts of his people and that they will take responsibility for fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus by going forth to make disciples of all nations. Another matter of concern is that young people are not readily responding to theological education to advance the kingdom of Christ through pastoral and theological education. Bible colleges and seminaries are struggling with fewer students, again alerting Christian leaders to see the urgency of challenging the next generation of leadership in the churches, mission organizations, missionaries and Christian workers for long-term ministries and kingdom work.

There is an urgent need to pray for revival among the churches and for God to stir the hearts of younger people to respond to the clarion call of Christ, and to meet these challenges. As I pondered these challenges, I was reminded of a mission song composed by our very own Rev Dr Chan Fong, former Senior Pastor of Grace Chinese Christian Church and later taught Missions at the Singapore Bible College. This song has been sung numerous times at SBC’s chapel and during Missions Emphasis Weeks. While it was written originally in Chinese, it has been translated into English. I trust this song will stir in all of you a strong vision and a passion for the lost in gratitude for what our Lord Jesus has done for us on the cross. (Click here for the Myanmar version with Chinese subtitles).?


1. Lord, stir in me a vision strong

That not one should ever perish.

Lord, make me know your heart’s desire,

To give my best and preach your Word.

2. I do not wish my life to pass

Without hark’ening to your calling.

I give you all you’ve given me,

And all my riches, talents too.


Lord change this selfish heart of mine,

That I may give to you my all.

As Calvary’s love shines before me,

How can I but love you, Lord?

I would like to close with something more jubilant! SBC celebrated its 72nd Founders Day and Homecoming Day with Board Members, Faculty, Staff, Alumni & Students. The entire campus was buzzing with activity from 8.30 am with faculty, alumni and students as the four schools and Advanced Studies met over breakfast, with focused sharing in the individual schools. At 1030 am a combined service was held in the Worship Hall which was well attended. The message by Rev Dr Caleb Soo was challenging, instructive and sobering too. Lunch was served in Bento boxes and many mingled in happy huddles,? eating, chatting and laughing together! It was a great sight to behold and a blessed opportunity to give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness to the College and to one another. The day ended with a tour that was organized by the planning committee to introduce guests and alumni around the campus to view the displays in the library, at the staircase in Block 1 and also see some of the wonderful features in the smart classrooms!?

Yes, indeed the month of August was indeed August with happenings! Praise be to our God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Blessed Trinity!

Let’s journey together with Christ at the helm!