We celebrated the lunar new year unlike no other new year as it was in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic with many restrictions!
It was also during this month that the?Christian world was devastated with the 12 -page report?of an investigation that was conducted on the late Ravi Zacharias from RZIM, the findings that were both compelling and condemning. Christians around the world have been shattered, the ministry of RZIM, and the Gospel of Christ has been questioned and tarnished. How does one make sense of all these especially when the ministry and teachings of this man had blest thousands of people worldwide? I for one was truly affected. I had numerous conversations with God about this matter and how this could happen to one reckoned as a man of God!
This month two articles were God-sent. One from Nick Stumbo and the other from Edmund Chan, our alumnus.
Stumbo concluded that?this issue of sexual misconduct among Christian leaders?is not uncommon…. is defaming the name of Christ and undermining their call at an alarming rate.?He concludes with 5 ways to be proactive to change this pattern of misconduct (Click here?to read his article) .
In point 3 Stumbo states that?we should require ongoing emotional and relational training for all Christian leaders. Struggles with our negative sexual health do not get better when left unaddressed…. The struggle gets amplified over time.
Edmund Chan, in?Salt&light gives?an excellent response on how a grieving world should respond to this crisis. Let me quote a few key statements but would recommend that you read the entire article in this link (Click here?to article).
Chan?as a friend to Ravi had asked him some pointed questions on two occasions?and Ravi had given him?his rehearsed answer?on both occasions. Chan gave him the benefit of the doubt but?was deeply saddened to realize that my friend had deliberately lied. Chan went on to say that he has?forgiven Ravi?–?As Christians,?we embrace the undeserved grace that our Lord has shown unto us?all. None of us is exempt. And?forgiveness?is not a mere doctrine but?a decision and a special privilege that is ours in Christ.?He went on to explain the need for a proper balance of posture –?where there is a tender heartedness…forgiveness and grace, and position – where there is?accountability and integrity, where right is right, and what is wrong is wrong.
Chan ends with four lessons. I quote the fourth –?keep your eyes on Jesus?–?behold his cross?and believe his gospel for no one (no matter how flawed or fallen) is beyond his redemptive reach.
May this ancient hymn cause us to?stay rooted at the cross of Christ, with that posture of surrender and total dependence on Jesus our Saviour and Lord:
Jesus keep me near the cross
There a precious fountain
Free to all a healing stream
Flows from Calvary’s mountain
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river