Indulge me as I share something personal with you today!
Faithful One, so unchanging,
Ageless One, You’re my rock of peace.
Lord of all I depend on You,
I call out to You, Again and again,
I call out to You, Again and again.
You are my Rock in times of trouble,
You lift me up when I fall down,
All through the storm, your love is
The anchor, my hope is in You alone.
(Brian Doerkson)
This song brings me great comfort – just to know that my God is unchanging, that He is faithful, and I can place my hope in Him! The songwriter affirms his intimacy with God as the unchanging Rock whom he trusts and is confident that this God will deliver us from all sorts of challenges. This God is also the Lover of our souls!
I have known this God for more than 60 years! But it was only in the last few decades that I have come to enjoy Him as the Lover of my soul! Although I had trusted Him and dedicated my entire life to His service, I never really understood what it meant to simply sit at His feet and enjoy Him. But I am beginning to do just that, and this has been amazing just to enjoy Him for who He is, and all that He is doing today. Jesus is my Lord, Redeemer and greatest Treasure, just as the following song describes:
O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer
O God My Rock and My Redeemer,
Greatest Treasure of my longing soul;
My God, like You there is no other
True delight is found in You alone.
Your grace, a well too deep to fathom
Your love exceeds the heavens’ reach
Your truth, a fount of perfect wisdom
My highest good and my unending need
Indeed as I worship and enjoy this wonderful Treasure, I find true delight in Him. Daily I experience His grace that wells up from within the depths of my being, and affirms, nourishes, restores, sustains and empowers me.
My desire is that each of you will also bask in His love daily, drink from the Fountain of Life and feast at His table of plenty, and find your rest in Him. Then we can keep on serving this God, our Rock, Redeemer and Lover of our souls. Then we can serve Him with joy and gladness for the rest of our lives.