
Oct 2022

Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Christus and Sola Gratia are Reformation slogans that were declared as the Protestant movement was birthed in the 16th?century! This movement brought the Church back to its fundamentals, declaring that Scripture alone is the ultimate basis for all faith and conduct; that salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, through grace alone! All Christians have direct access to God through Jesus Christ alone, and not through a sacramental system that the Medieval Church had created for believers to gain salvation, forgiveness and access to God. What freedom! What liberation! What peace! Once again, more than 500 years later, we declare with Martin Luther that?Christ is at once the centre of Scripture and the Lord of Scripture!?We continue to let the Word of God shape our thinking, correct our actions, and direct our steps to be in line with God’s laws and purposes.

In these past weeks, the Lord connected me with several alumni who have been shaped and guided by the Lord to do great exploits for him in their different stations in life and from different parts of the world.

First let me mention Ruth Lai, alumna who graduated in 1975 from SOTC. She heard God’s call, enrolled in SBC and upon graduation served in a local church for several years before God called her and her husband to serve in Canada, and then led them into cross-cultural missions. Her story is recorded in a recent publication –?Love Beyond the Horizon, available in hard and soft copies, both in English and Mandarin.?Click here?for more information and details of Ruth Lai’s story and God’s many blessings upon her family, ministry and missions.

Alumnus, Lim Beng Guat, graduated from SOTE, in 1981 and 1989. She served in para church organizations, on board the Logos Ship, and in her local church in Singapore. Recently God opened a door for Beng Guat to be equipped and involved in ministry with Eldercare and Dementia patients. She wrote a book with several stories of her journey with the sick and the dying in the book entitled?Beyond the Sunset. She also conducts workshops on related topics.?Click here?for more information and invite her to share in your groups and churches.

Moses Afful graduated in 1992 from SOTE. He came from Ghana and subsequently migrated to America where he is currently serving. Moses shared with me that he?was shaped by the missional culture of SBC?in what he does today.?He is an ordained minister of the Gospel. He is currently an Educator in Intercultural Communication and Leadership, using his skills to train students and church workers in America, Ghana and East Malaysia. He coauthored a book which is used as a textbook –?Multiculturalism and Project Management.?This book can be used in cross -cultural ministries.?Click here?to find out more about Moses Afful and this book.

I want to close with one more story of one of our earliest alumni, William Wan. He graduated in 1968 from SOTE. He went on to study law and practiced in the marketplace. He taught in seminaries and in pastoral ministries in North America. He is the General Secretary of the Singapore Kindness Movement. He also serves as member of the Board of SBC. He has authored many books of which the latest two are?Making Kindness our Business?and?Through the Valley: The Art of Living and Leaving Well. He penned a beautiful tribute to Queen Elizabeth II upon her demise in September this year. Please click this?link here?to read it.

All these alumni came to faith in Christ decades ago and have allowed God’s powerful Word to shape their hearts, minds and wills. As they allowed God’s Word to transform their lives and align them with his will, they are making impact in their societies and are leaving imprints and footsteps for others to follow.

Every SBC alumnus has a story to tell and I trust your hearts have been enriched by these few stories. We will have more stories to tell in the months to come!

Blessed Reformation Day to all our alumni! May you hold fast to God’s Word and to our Lord Jesus Christ! Let God’s Word be your GPS today and always, as it shapes your thoughts and impacts your lives.

I close with a hymn that was written by Martin Luther which we declare as the Reformation Hymn:

A mighty Fortress is our God,
A Bulwark never failing;
Our Helper He amid the flood
Of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe
Doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great,
And, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.