Singapore Bible College
Open House

Ministry & Me

Let SBC help you discern God's call for you

Discover how SBC equips people to respond to God’s calling


01 August 2024

9:00AM – 3:30PM

Introduction of SBC Programmes
Trial Classes
Chapel Time
College Tour

Serving in Asia? Study in Asia!

SBC’s programmes are context-focused and driven, designed to train faithful servant-leaders of Jesus Christ within a multi-ethnic community, so that they may reach a diverse and rapidly changing world, especially in Asia, with God’s unchanging Word.

Why SBC?

SBC is missions-directed

Missions is one of the pillars of SBC. The School of Theology (English) offers both Graduate Diploma and Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies, which provides solid theological foundations for mission, combining cutting-edge missiological thinking with practical application. Students have opportunities to go on mission trips organised by the Student Missions Fellowship.

SBC’s training is catered for
working professionals too!

Those in secular professions, such as medical professionals, teachers, IT and creative specialists, can look forward to being equipped through our programmes such as Diploma in Holistic Growth, (Graduate) Diploma and Master of Arts in Christian Studies. These programmes seeks to integrate Christian faith with matters of inner life and spirituality, mission and vocation.

SBC has an international,
multicultural faculty team

Our international, multicultural faculty team consists of experienced pastors, faithful missionaries, skilled practitioners, and competent scholar-teachers, who are committed to integrating the academic, spiritual, and ministerial aspects of theological education in a holistic way.

SBC students experience and are moulded by community life.

Training in SBC seeks to integrate spiritual formation and academic pursuit. Through pastoral care groups, communal meals in the canteen, chapel, dorm activities, and College events etc, multi-national students from 20 countries learn to appreciate one another, and work through cultural, theological, and personality differences, to be a loving and worshipful community of learners.

College Open House Schedule

Please download the schedule here.

Trial Classes (01 Aug)

Hybrid unless otherwise stated.



New Testament Studies I
This course is a study of the Gospels and how each evangelist shaped his writing to meet the needs of his readers. Emphasis will be given to the text and theological message of Matthew and Luke-Acts and their authors’ literary and rhetorical techniques and use of the Old Testament. The English text is used in class, as knowledge of Greek is not required.

Doctrine I?
This course introduces the students to the study of systematic theology and provides a basic study of the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, God, creation, providence, the human person, and sin. It also examines the historical context, biblical basis, and applications for life and ministry arising from the doctrines considered.

Engaging Current Issues and Trends in Missions?
This course provides an overview of the major issues and trends in the global landscape that impact world missions today. Issues identified include developments that have become evident in the 21st century, as well as important, age-old issues that continue to require careful attention for sustainability of missions. These are issues the mission-minded church will need to grapple with for purposeful engagement in world missions.??

Critical Thinking and Transformation (Onsite)
To be transformed by the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:1-2) requires critical thinking. This course introduces students to the importance of critical thinking and the basic concepts, elements, and skills of critical and transformative thinking. Students will learn to deal with objections and obstacles to critical and transformative thinking, analyze and evaluate arguments, identify faulty reasoning, and understand how truth claims from different subjects can be evaluated.

Advanced Conducting (Onsite)
This graduate level course combines the following areas which the advanced conducting student will be needing information and expertise in a church or school choir setting:

Review of Basic Technique
Domains of the Signals
Advanced Conducting Techniques and Exercises; Applications
Body Mapping, Techniques for Gestural Connection to Imagery, Alignment, Health, and

The purpose of the class is to equip its students to develop advanced conducting skill as tools for to be used with pedagogical insight, cultural sensitivity, musical depth, stylistic and interpretive integrity, versatility, insight, maturity, and leadership.

Advanced Orchestration (Onsite)
A follow-up of the Instrumental Music Arrangement course (1 credit hour), this is designed to help the student appreciate the distinctives and capabilities of the various instruments of the orchestra, using them appropriately and creatively through orchestration to enhance the worship experience for the glory of God.

This course assumes from the student a strong foundation in the rudiments of music theory, especially in melodic writing, counterpoint, and harmony, and a working understanding of the various instruments of the orchestra. The student is also expected to have knowledge of the use of music publishing software (e.g. Sibelius).

Counselling Issues I – Common Problems?
This course seeks to trace the normative developmental changes across the life span. It also examines the systemic and individual models of development within a larger socio-cultural and spiritual framework. Special focus will be given on developmental concepts like attachment, emotional, moral and faith development, aging and other issues needed for a deeper understanding of how people grow. An important feature of this course is for each student to evaluate his/her own developmental growth through reflection papers and process sessions with peers.


此为实体课程,7月24日(周三), 早上11:00 – 12:00日当天所有报名开放日的人可线上同步参与。过后视频也将上载到“开放日网页”。供所有注册者观看。

Registration deadline: 28 July 2024.
Hesitate no longer. Sign up now!

Application deadlines:



Registration is closed.