I am more and more convinced the older I get, that I can only do all things through the strength the LORD God Almighty gives to me. I have known this truth for a very long time but in actuality, many times I have done things on my own initiative and my own abilities without acknowledging the grace of the LORD in my life. How it must grieve our loving Heavenly Father when we do things independently of him! But O how he rejoices, when his children call upon him, lean on him, trust in him and rest in him all the time, regardless of the circumstances around, and the emotional chaos within.?
In Judges 7 God gave Gideon a mighty challenge to take on the Midianites who had for seven years oppressed Israel, which drove them to their knees. Israel repeatedly sinned against the LORD Almighty and prostituted their faith by embracing other foreign gods. God punished them by allowing different enemies to overpower them and oppress them. This led Israel to cry out to Yahweh for deliverance. Each time Israel cried out to God, Yahweh sent a deliverer to rescue them and drive out the enemy. In this chapter yet again, Israel cried out to God for deliverance, this time from the Midianites. The LORD God Almighty who is gracious, compassionate and full of mercy, once again heard their cries. He is the covenant-keeping God who is faithful despite Israel’s disobedience and faithlessness. Yes, God remains faithful even when we are faithless! He cannot go back on his promise!
Gideon was frightened to take on Midian but God assured him that he will fight Gideon’s battle. Yahweh, the LORD of the Armies will go before him and will win the battle for him. Gideon needed to simply trust Yahweh and obey his instructions. The gracious God also encouraged Gideon’s heart and strengthened his hand by allowing Gideon to overhear a conversation between two Midianite soldiers! One of the soldiers had a dream where a small barley loaf tumbled into the Midian tent and brought down the entire Midian camp! The other soldier interpreted the dream and said, there is no other than the sword of Gideon…a man of Israel; God has given into his hand Midian and all of the camp (7:13-14).? Gideon was so encouraged, right there, he bowed and worshipped Yahweh the LORD of the Armies. Gideon had already seen God’s almighty outstretched hand in chapter 6 and now in this crisis, God allowed Gideon to hear this conversation!?
Every battle we fight belongs to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! He has promised through his Son Jesus Christ, that his grace is sufficient for us and his strength made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our task is to trust and obey him and let him fight the battle on our behalf.
May the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY enable us to continue to trust and obey him, in big and small things, because without him we truly can do nothing meaningful or significant for Christ and his kingdom.
When all I see is the battle,
You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain,
You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow,
Your love surrounds me
There‘s nothing to fear now
For I am safe with You.
So when I fight, I‘ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear l lay at your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to You. (Phil Wickham)