Covid-19大流行极大地改变了教会的运作方式和社区生活。 尽管从第2阶段起我们采取了某些应对措施,却仍然不能恢复如初。
我们不只生活起居需要适应新常态,教会所有接触信徒与非信徒的事工也需要如此。在万事转线上的时代, 我们能如何帮助信徒继续在主的话扎根,又能拥有多面且因应时代的见解;或重拾盼望,或持有一个活泼皆有影响力的信仰呢?
或许你在想:“教会何去何从。” 或“我该如何为上帝的伟大事工做出贡献?” 。
Covid-19大流行极大地改变了教会的运作方式和社区生活。 尽管从第2阶段起我们采取了某些应对措施,却仍然不能恢复如初。
我们不只生活起居需要适应新常态,教会所有接触信徒与非信徒的事工也需要如此。在万事转线上的时代, 我们能如何帮助信徒继续在主的话扎根,又能拥有多面且因应时代的见解;或重拾盼望,或持有一个活泼皆有影响力的信仰呢?
或许你在想:“教会何去何从。” 或“我该如何为上帝的伟大事工做出贡献?” 。
其中一个方法,就是在新神接受定位基督、基于圣经、服侍教会、奋力宣教、切合时代的整全神学训练。快来加入我们的开放日,以了解更多有关神学院培训的信息! 愿上帝的国降临并祂的旨意成就在你的生命中!
2.30 – 3.20pm
12.10 – 1.00pm
This course offers conceptual and interpretive foundations such as the nature of the Old Testament, its historical, literary, and theological dimensions. This gives students a handle on all the Old Testament corpora which in turn will allow further in-depth studies.
2.30 – 3.20pm
This course introduces students to the person and work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, especially in relation to creation and redemption. It also investigates soteriological topics including the nature and significance of Christ’s atonement for sin, election, calling, conversion, regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification. Finally, the course examines the historical context, biblical basis, and applications for life and ministry for the doctrines considered.
12.10 – 1.00pm
Why did God command that Sabbath day should be observed? Is it merely for our physical rest? Is this Old Testament still relevant for Christians? If it is relevant, how should we observe our Sabbath day?
2.30 – 3.20pm
This course is designed to expose, train, and increase the competence of conductors to teach diverse sacred choral music suitable for performance and service in their churches. The extensive breadth of religious choral literature is offered over four semesters, focusing on specific musical period(s), styles, or traditions.? This course is designed as a masterclass for student conductors. It is also a music-reading and style-learning session for the class singing as the laboratory choir. This semester’s area is on choral music from the Renaissance to Classical periods of European sacred choral music. The focus will be given to specific composers whose music influenced the development of sacred music of the Reformation and beyond, the kinds of music that arose to counter it, and the sacred pieces of music composed in the royal courts outside of the church’s diminishing influence.
2.30 – 3.20pm
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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