Business Office

The Business Office seeks to contribute to the theological education of Singapore Bible College by creating a conducive environment for faculty, staff and students, as well as providing professional services in a helpful, caring, courteous and efficient manner.


The Business Office provides the following services:

Our main functions include financial management, human resource, estate management, housing services, canteen operations and general logistics. In order to put SBC on a surer footing as we take our next step forward in our journey, the Business Office will strengthen SBC’s recruitment and development of staff and faculty members, and to implement a more robust financial management and operating procedure.


The Cashier processes school or related fee payments (cash and cheque), receives all cash and cheque donations to SBC, issues official receipts and disburses payment or scholarship to students.

Student Service

The Student Service provides various services to students such as adding value to their? food coupon sales, rental of lockers, replacement of keys, booking and rental of rooms, repair works request, parking facilities such as issuance of car decal and lamination of documents, etc.