Our Principal

Rev Dr Clement Chia has served as the Principal of Singapore Bible College since July 2016.

Rev. Dr. Clement Chia

Singapore Bible College

  • Principal
  • Senior Director, Community Ministry
  • Associate Professor of Theology


  • M.Div (SBC, Singapore)
  • M.Th (Aberdeen University, Scotland);
  • M.Phil (NUS, Singapore);
  • Ph.D. (Exeter University, UK)


Rev Dr Chia was born in Malaysia into a large family and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior during his youth. He was raised in a Chinese cultural background and Reformed church tradition that enabled him to think contextually and theologically in his formative years.

A graduate of Singapore Polytechnic, he had worked for four years as an Assistant Civil Engineer. His calling and commitment to Christ led him to train at a seminary. He served nine years as a pastor in Presbyterian and Evangelical Free churches.

Dr Chia received a Master of Divinity from Singapore Bible College, further theological training at Aberdeen University (Scotland) and philosophical training at the National University of Singapore, graduating with the Master of Theology and the Master of Philosophy, respectively. He then completed his PhD in Theology at the University of Exeter (UK).

He joined the faculty of SBC in 2008 as a professor of Systematic Theology and served as the Dean of the School of Theology (Chinese) in 2010. He was appointed as the seventh Principal in 2016.

Dr Chia is committed to serving as a servant of Christ, doing theology for the Church and caring for society. Through the lens of a biblical worldview, he has taught and written about issues of concern to the church and society. He has been published extensively in academic journals, local press, magazines and books.

Dr Chia married Mdm Yvonne Meng-Ngor Ng in 1995. They have two children, Osmond Quan-En and Thelma Shan-Ning Chia. They enjoy having dinner together, sharing life experiences, exchanging new learning experiences and going on family trips.

  • 系统神学
  • 基督教伦理学
  • 现代与后现代神学思潮
  • 神学与科学对话的基础
  • 神学与哲学(世界观)
  • 神学思考法
  • Wolfhart Panneberg’s Revelation as History: An Appraisal (Aberdeen University: MTh Dissertation, 2000)

  • Emmanuel Levinas on the Divine Command Theory with the Specific Reference to Genesis 22
    (National University of Singapore: MPhil Dissertation, 2004)

  • Karl Barth’s Doctrine of the Jewish Christ in the Light of the Nazi Christology:
    a Non-Violent Vision of Christological Politics (Exeter University: PhD Thesis, 2008)

  • 《人之为人:神学人类学素描》,马来西亚:协传出版社,2012 (简体/增订版)。On Being Human: A Theological Depiction of Man (revised ed.). Malaysia: Partners Training Centre, 2012.

  • 《公众伦理:当福音信仰临在(非)人道现场》,马来西亚:协传出版社,2013 (2014再版)。Public Ethics. Malaysia: Partners Training Centre, 2013-14.

  • 《为主所欲:欲望管理纵横谈》,编著,新加坡:新加坡神学院出版, 2014. Managing Our Desires for Christ, Edited, Singapore: SBC Publisher, 2014)

  • 《21世纪神学事件簿:如何在多元处境做神学?》,台北:校园书房,2015。A Theological Event Book for the 21st Century: How to Do Theology in a Pluralistic Context? Taiwan: Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press, 2015.

  • 《信仰的大未来:20个改变未来的信念》,台北:校园书房,2020。The Beliefs that Reinvent the Future. Taiwan: Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press, 2020.

  • 《爱教会到底?以神学视野反思教会丑闻》台北:校园书房,2021。Love the Church to the End?. Taiwan: Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press, 2021.