
Nov 2020

God is still on the throne!

In my reading of Revelation chapter 4 the first thing that caught my attention was the vision that Apostle John saw. John was taken to heaven in the Spirit by the resurrected Christ. There he saw through an opened door,?a throne on which sat One?whose appearance was like jasper and carnelian and around the throne was a rainbow that looked like emerald. The brilliance of precious gems – diamond, ruby and emerald were the closest thing John could think of to describe this glorious scene!

The focal point in heaven is this awesome, almighty and everlasting God who sits on the throne!?Everything else in heaven revolves around this throne! The 4 living creatures and the 24 elders surround the throne offering continuous praise and worship to the One who sits on the throne!

What a powerful and comforting reminder?that despite all the challenges that we are facing in our world today, be it diseases such as the Covid-19, natural calamities like fire, flood, hurricane, typhoon, or wickedness so rampant in our world, or the recent elections in America that is labelled as fraudulent,?God the almighty, sits on the throne!?Nothing escapes Him. He is the One who rules as the triumphant King and nothing happens without his knowledge or consent. He knows what is happening and at the appropriate time he will execute his plans and purposes. It is from this throne that he will judge the world. God revealed to John the things that are to take place (1:19), and in chapters 6 to 19 the judgement that will follow.?God is on the throne!?It is from this throne he will execute his perfect plan for his world, & his church.

Let us not be afraid, disheartened or disillusioned because our sovereign and almighty God reign!

Knowing this truth, let us be steadfast in our faith, abide in him, worship him in spirit and truth and walk humbly before him.

God is still on the throne

And He will remember His own

Tho’ trials may press us and burdens distress us,

He never will leave us alone;

God is still on the throne,

He never forsaketh His own;

His promise is true

He will not forsake you,

God is still on the throne.

(click here?to listen to the song)