Rev Dr Samuel Goh was in pastoral ministry for ten years before coming to Singapore Bible College in 2003, and taught Old Testament courses in SOTE and SOTC till mid-2019, after which he went on to teach Old Testament at Brisbane School of Theology (Australia). He has rejoined SBC faculty (SOTC) since July 2023. He is married to Joyce (SBC alumna) and blessed with two grown children.
Goh, Samuel T. S. “Grammar Historical Methods and the Chinese Christian,” Jian Dao 34 (2010): 51-69.
Goh, Samuel T. S. “Ruth as a Superior Woman of ???? A Comparison between Ruth and the ‘Capable’ Woman in Prov.31.10-31.” Journal for Studies of the Old Testament 38/3 (2014): 487-500.
Goh, Samuel T. S. “The Hebel World, Its Ambiguities and Contradictions.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45/2 (2020): 198-216.
吴仲诚。 〈自涉诠释学:作者、读者、语境〉。 《华神期刊 》第4期(2012):76-94.
吴仲诚。 〈约伯记 42:5中的 「眼见」神及其含义:论约伯对神的认识〉。邱梨芳译。 《台湾神学论刊》 第38期(2014):1-18.
吴仲诚。 〈希伯来双诗行「平行体」的再思: 是谁的想象力? 〉。 《山道》第34期 (2016):123-38。
吴仲诚。 〈传道者享乐论的再思: 享乐是应对「虚空」的良方? 〉。 《台湾神学论刊》。第47期(2020):1-17。
吴仲诚。 《旧约诠释学初介》。李金好译。增订版。香港: 天道书楼, 2016。
吴仲诚。 《希伯来诗歌解读:理论与实践》。李梅和洪淑君译。修订版。香港: 天道书楼,2016。
吴仲诚。《希伯来智慧透析: 认识智慧, 应用智慧》。黄懿翔译。台北:华神出版社,2019。
吴仲诚。 《给所有人的摩西五经导论》。台北:校园书房出版社,2021。
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