
Sep 2021

It is September already! How the days, weeks, and months of 2021 are swiftly coming to a close! This entire year has been shrouded by the pandemic. The Advisory from the Singapore government keeps changing as Covid-19 cases escalate, fluctuate, and are on the rise. One week differs drastically from the next. Just when things seem to become normalized, we encounter another setback. Many are feeling the strain and the stress of these uncertain times, not just in Singapore but in many other countries around the world.

In the midst of these uncertain times, how should we live? In reading the Book of Habakkuk recently I was impressed by the prophet’s resolve to make an intentional choice to rejoice in the midst of the impending disaster that awaited Israel, as God had predicted. Israel had sinned against God repeatedly and judgement was about to fall upon them. While the prophet could not understand why the holy God would use such an evil people like the Chaldeans (Babylonians) to punish the Israelites for Israel’s grave wickedness, Habakkuk recalls the steadfast love of this God in past history. He pleads and asks God – in wrath remember mercy (Hab 3:2).

Habakkuk then makes this resolve – yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God the Lord is my strength…. (Hab 3:18). He is aware that the scourging of Israel will result in grave disaster for the nation. But he is also certain that the righteous shall live by his faith (Hab 2:4)

The pandemic is like a scourge of the nations. It is a wake-up call to all the world to recognize that there is a holy God who demands justice and righteousness in a world that is broken by hatred, aggression, evil, and all kinds of wickedness. This holy God reminds us – the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him (Hab 2:20) and that the righteous person will live by his faith!!!

As people of faith let us fix our eyes on Jesus and let us run the race unswervingly (Heb 12:1 & 2), knowing that God loves us and his love will carry us through this pandemic. He will align his purposes and accomplish all that he wants to do in this world. When the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD; when this gospel…be proclaimed throughout the whole world…, then the end will come! (Hab 2:14 & Matt 24:14).

Beloved brothers and sisters, press on and stay focused on the LORD. Learn the art of being still – be busy about the work he has called you to do and quietly wait for him to accomplish all he promised he will do in the fulness of his perfect time!