Teach, Learn, and Collaborate from Anywhere, at Any Time

SBC is working towards aHyflex(from “hybrid” and “flexible”) educational delivery model through which one can teach, learn, and collaborate from anywhere, at any time. This means that our students will eventually be able to decide whether to study online or face-to-face on campus for most courses.?

This enhanced delivery model will open up new possibilities for growth. It will allow us to adapt to any travel restrictions. More importantly, it will help us to meet theological education needs for the growing number of Christians in Asia. Technology that enables online instruction has also developed tremendously in the last decade. We are thinking hard about how we can grow with the changing landscape.?

We have been adapting in the meantime. In early 2020, a small EduTech workgroup was formed when the pandemic hit our shores. This team put together a number of training initiatives that quickly allowed faculty, adjunct lecturers, and students to adapt to teaching and learning online. With the Circuit Breaker in April 2020, SBC went fully online until the end of 2020. We then adopted a hybrid/face-to-face (F2F) model at the beginning of 2021.?

We recognize that systemized and focused efforts are needed to achieve educational goals. So, in May 2021, the EduTech department was formed with the goal of realizing our proposed Hyflex model. At the same time, an inter-departmental team was formed to spearhead the development of Communal Learning Spaces and Smart Classrooms in the Library and Block 1. These renewed spaces will enhance the hybrid teaching-learning process and foster greater collaboration in the community, online or F2F.? ?

We are amazed by how God has been enabling these initiatives with your timely and generous donations. These provisions suggest that many in the Christian community recognize and support the need to enhance our online delivery facilities.

Our leadership is fully committed to this goal. More than a year into this transformation process, faculty and students are painfully aware of the difficulties involved. But all five administrative pillars of SBC (Academic Affairs, Student Formation, Administration, Community Relations, and Information Technology Services) are pulling in the same direction.?

Please pray for us. We ask God to grant us the wisdom to steward these endeavours. We also ask you, alumni, friends, and supporters of SBC, to join us in this process. May we continue to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ for his glory.?

Ways of Giving

Bank Transfer
Cheque & Bank Draft
Credit Card